The Mic Drop | Biarritz Part V

This is the last part of my Biarritz photo story quintette in which I’ll try to wrap things up.

I kind of wanted to round off the whole story by including photos that didn’t really fit in the previous posts. Also, I usually try to incorporate a funny story in the posts from my everyday life. Fortunately for you, I don’t have any tales to tail for today’s episode.

In conclusion I just want to emphasize that my super-secret agent of wifey and I really had an amazing time at this beautiful location.

Lastly, in an attempt of “Dropping the Mic”, I’d like to go back to the first post and quote myself;

"Here in La Côte des Basques, Biarritz is the last bastion of the South West bordering Spain and jostling with the Michelin stars of the culinary San Sebastián. 

Its mild climate and the beauty of its awe-inspiring scenery, its curved inlets punctuated by rocky outcrops, all those cozy boulangerie, patisserie & crêperie’s, and the great events that it hosts, make Biarritz a destination of enchantment to which we will return to over and over again!!"

La Grande Finale