About feeling inspired and seeking for the extraordinary in the mundane

I thought that this was going to be easy. To put down what had inspired me, sparked my enthusiasm so immensely recently for creating and wanting...no, longing to continue putting a part of me out there in the discrete digital universe through the art of visual story telling.

I now realize that I have to give you some context, take a couple step back, so... Ever since I got hooked on the art of photography I've aspired to create images with that WOW factor. On the path towards that goal, my mission has been to learn as much as possible about all aspects of the game; gear, technique, preparation, visualization, composition, post processing etc.

I absorbed every little piece of information I could find, I read tutorials, reviews, blogs and early on found myself being pulled toward the slower genres of photography, i.e. landscape, seascape and cityscape. If I would name one photographer that inspired me most then it's without a doubt Elia Locardi. He's work and journey is a HUGE inspiration to me.

The thing is that for these type of images I wanted to create, I was confined to the times of day around either sunrise or sunset. But I embraced the laws of physics. I would barley shoot at other times of the day. What kind of self respecting photographer would want to make an image in the middle of the day? This was my default approach unless away on a vacation. Until not long ago when I started feeling that same pull as before but now towards Street Photography. The source of inspiration this time was Vancouver based Ian MacDonald. Around the same time I made the switch from my Canon fullframe DSLR system to the smaller and much more sexy mirror-less Fujifilm system. The result; a lighter and less conspicuous system including great IQ, manual control and awesome retro look. Now I had my camera with me at all times and was able to be out there shooting at any time of the day, it was soo liberating!  

I don't remember how, but recently I happened to stumble upon a blog that has made me open my eyes to yet other forms of story telling. Patrick La Roque, who's imagery and the way he expresses himself  makes me keep coming back to read yet another of his masterpieces. To be able to turn any mundane and ordinary moment into a visual fiesta and a compelling story, that is the direction I feel I want to be taking my story telling. 

With that prequel, here's the first photo series in my approach to share my mundane and ordinary moments with you guys. 


07:17 Saturday Morning.
View from the Kitchen Window.

Breakfeast. Mother-in-law. Deep Conversation.

09:45. Kitchen Window again.
Time for me to hit the shower. I'm off to Gothenburg at noon.