Street Photography & Urban Series | The Jan & Feb Sequence

My main focus for 2017 is definitely to improve as a Street Photographer. With the saying “practice makes perfect” in mind I’ve been taking every chance to hit the streets. Even if it’s just a 30 minute window here or even better a 2 hour opening there, I try to use that time to practice anticipating, visualizing and capturing those special candid moments.

The prerequisite for this to be possible is of course that I'm always carrying my camera with me. This was actually one of the main reasons for my Canon Full frame DSLR to Fuji X mirrorless switch last year and I haven't looked back ever since!! Also I keep notes of different parts of the city that I'd like to photograph for different projects. For instance, I've got a list of locations I'd like to shoot for my Cityscape Sunrise/Blue Hour Series and another list of cool buildings/offices/commercial spaces for my Architecture Series and so on...Since I have the memory equivalent to Dory in "Finding Nemo" this helps me decide very quickly where to go if I have some time off.

So how has this project been coming along you might be inclined to ask...Well I must say that I've got that special feeling, you know, kinda like butterflies in my stomach and the longing to get back to it whenever we're separated. I can't hide it anymore, I'm super in love with street photography!

Side note [Most of the images in this post are captured either inside and/or underground. The reason being that global warming hasn’t really set out here in Sweden so it’s still freaking cold outside!?!…]

Stylistically I've found myself gravitating towards the more minimalistic type of storytelling, trying to focus on a single subject framed in an interesting urban environment. All of the above experienced through the eyes of my everyday companion, my stylishly retro looking and sexy Fujifilm X-Pro2. It’s usually coupled with my lightweight and superfast XF35mmF2 lens which is a perfect street combo! If I’m in the mood for mixing it up then on goes the 18-55mm for those situations where versatility is a benefit. Any-whoo, I keep rambling on….on with the show, below are my favourite images captured during Jan and Feb 2017.


Rissne Metro Station. For this composition I wanted to incorporate some motion blur and needed a pretty long exposure time. I knew that I couldn't do it handheld so I looked around, found a waste bin with the lid closed and could utilize it as …

Rissne Metro Station. For this composition I wanted to incorporate some motion blur and needed a pretty long exposure time. I knew that I couldn't do it handheld so I looked around, found a waste bin with the lid closed and could utilize it as a flat surface to place the camera on. 
Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @18mm 1,3 sec f/11 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Tekniska Högskolan Metro Station. Shot handheld at 1/5 sec. Tack Sharp. Thank you Fujifilm!Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Tekniska Högskolan Metro Station. Shot handheld at 1/5 sec. Tack Sharp. Thank you Fujifilm!
Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

The Exit!?!Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 35mm 1/60 sec f/3,6 ISO 250. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

The Exit!?!
Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 35mm 1/60 sec f/3,6 ISO 250. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/60 sec f/5,6 ISO 2000. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/60 sec f/5,6 ISO 2000. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 30mm 1/60 sec f/8,0 ISO 6400. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 30mm 1/60 sec f/8,0 ISO 6400. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Ongoing project titled "Waiting Room".
These 3 images were shot at Ulriksdals Station which is where I hop on the commuter train to work.

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going."-Tennessee WilliamsFujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/8,0 ISO 3200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going."
-Tennessee Williams
Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/8,0 ISO 3200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 800. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 800. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 1000. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 1000. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/160 sec f/7,1 ISO 640. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/160 sec f/7,1 ISO 640. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Geometry.Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/180 sec f/8,0 ISO200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/180 sec f/8,0 ISO200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 22mm 1/60 sec f/11 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 22mm 1/60 sec f/11 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.